
MLA 2018 Cataloging and Metadata meetings and relevant sessions

I have compiled a list of MLA 2018 meetings and sessions that may be of interest to those who work in cataloging and/or metadata. I included all CMC business meetings and all sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by CMC, as well as a few other relevant meetings and sessions. See the MLA 2018 schedule online for full listings, locations, etc. (but please note that this is a draft schedule and subject to change):



9 AM-10:25 AM    Cataloging and Metadata Town Hall (sponsored by CMC)

11 AM-12:25 PM    Cataloging and Metadata Committee #1

1:30 PM-2:25 PM    Encoding Standards Subcommittee

3:30 PM-4:25 PM    What to Expect When You’re Analyzing, Transforming, and Inputting: A Linked Data Guide (sponsored by CMC)

4:30 PM-5:25 PM    Content Standards Subcommittee

6-6:55 PM        system-specific interest groups



9 AM-9:55 AM        Vocabularies Subcommittee

9:30 AM-10:25 AM    Technical Services Interest Group


1:30 PM-2:55 PM    Cataloging and Metadata Committee #2

3:30 PM-4:55 PM    Deriving Faceted Terms from Library of Congress Subject Headings for Music (sponsored by CMC)

4:30 PM-5:25 PM    Emerging Technologies and Services Committee (***was Thursday)



11 AM-12:25 PM    Cataloging, Preservation, and Discovery of Radio Content in Music Libraries and Archives (co-sponsored by CMC)

1:30 PM-2:55 PM    The FUTURE Is NOW! Preparing for and Learning from Large-Scale Media Preservation